Winner of the contest
showcase website 2024

Registrations are closed.


Drum roll …

I am pleased to announce that Michel Grenier – Designer Nostalgique is the lucky winner of the competition. The result of this new collaboration will, of course, be added to the portfolio in the coming weeks.

Michel Grenier - Designer Nostalgique

This prize includes

The products and services listed below are offered to the winner of this contest.

  • A assistance in developing the structure and graphic design of your website, in accordance with your graphic charter (colors, typography, logo, etc.). If you are starting from scratch, I will help you develop the graphic charter applicable to your website (choice of colors, typography, etc.).
  • The WordPress design and development of your website (maximum 6 pages of content, including a home page, a contact page, a legal/privacy notice page and 3 other pages of your choice). The site will be tailor-made in WordPress according to a design that will meet your expectations.
  • The site will be designed to ensure its ergonomics and readability on all types of media (desktop screens, smartphones and tablets) and in all types of browsers.
  • The images (photographs, pictograms, etc.) used on your site are free. You can, of course, submit your selection of images to me.
  • The necessary security modules will be installed on your site in order to protect it from any attack on your data.
  • A GDPR compliance module will be installed on your site.
  • A basic SEO referencing module will be installed on your website.
  • The technical maintenance (updates of functional and security modules) of the site will be insured for a period of one year from its putting online. After this deadline, maintenance will be renewable annually at the price established at the time of its renewal.
  • A training session (in person or by video conference) in the basic use of WordPress, to allow the new owner to be able to manage his/her website. Managing a website can sometimes seem scary. Rest assured, everything will be done to make the exercise as intuitive and comfortable as possible. I obviously remain at your disposal for any further information regarding the use of your website or to make any minor adaptations following the release of the website.

This prize does not include

Certain products and services below are chargeable and renewable annually at the expense of the owner of the website, these costs will be entirely borne by the winner of the contest. However, I remain at your disposal to help you find the best services at the best prices.

  • Costs relating to the domain name of your site (address of your site, e.g., the hosting of your site (where your site is stored) as well as the email addresses linked to your name domain (e.g., etc.). If you already have all of this, it will be even easier.
  • Your site will be created in WordPress using non-paying modules. Any addition of paid modules that must be renewed annually will be invoiced to the winner of the contest.
  • The logo of your activity. If, however, you do not have a logo, I offer the design of your logo with a 50% reduction of the creation price within the framework of this contest.
  • The installation of an e-commerce module or tools for database management (textual content or images).
  • The creation of more complex illustrations or graphic elements (statistical graphics, 3D design, etc.) is not within the scope of this contest. If desired, these services will be subject to a quote outside the framework of this contest.
  • The site will include a wide choice of typographies and images free of charge. The purchase of specific paid typography or stock images will be charged to the winner of the contest.
  • The installation of a more advanced SEO system is not included in this prize.
  • The writing of the content on the site. The content will be written and provided by the winner of the contest. I remain at your disposal to help you write content that integrates harmoniously into your site, while highlighting your activity.

Rules and general conditions

  • The information collected during your registration to the contest will remain confidential and cannot be used by anyone for promotional or commercial purposes outside the framework of the contest.
  • You will receive an email confirming your registration as soon as possible. You will be asked to share the address of this page ( on the feed of one (or all) of your professional or personal social networks (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram) during the contest with the mentions #blackdesign and #concours2024. Usually working on trust, I am counting on you to play the game until the end.
  • Only one registration per activity. Multiple registrations for the same activity will only be counted as one registration.
  • The contest will end on February 9, 2024 at midnight and the winner of the draw will be announced in the days following the end of the contest on the Black Design Facebook page. The winner of the contest will be notified by email or telephone shortly after the result of the draw.
  • Whether or not you are concerned by this contest, do not hesitate to share this page ( around you and to subscribe to the Black Design Facebook page to be kept informed of future updates.
  • What is a showcase website? The main purpose of a showcase site is to present your activity on the internet. It is literally the digital showcase of your activity (home page, “about” page, services page, contact page, etc.). A showcase site is not intended to directly sell the products of your activity (e-commerce) or to manage databases. These types of services are therefore not included within the framework of this contest but may however be the subject of a separate quote. A showcase site is not intended to sell the products of your activity (e-commerce) or to manage databases. These types of services are therefore not included in the framework of this contest but may however be the subject of a separate quote. Examples of showcase sites: example, example, example.
  • One of the primary goals of this contest being to support independents and small structures in an ethical and fair manner, the following activities do not fall within the scope of this contest: activities promoting weapons, drugs or content of a pornographic nature, activities of a political or militant nature, any activity that could incite hatred and/or violence, companies in the banking, industrial or financial sectors, multinational companies, polluting or disrespectful of working conditions of their employees, companies supporting unsavory regimes, gambling companies. I reserve the right to refuse any activity that does not fall within the ethical and fair framework of this contest.
  • Creating a site for free does not mean that the rules of professionalism and courtesy no longer apply. I reserve the right to end the collaboration if these basic principles are not (no longer) respected and will carry out a new draw among the rest of the participants in the contest.
  • Creating a site for free does not mean that your project will be taken lightly. I undertake to create your showcase site in the same way as if it were paid for: with rigor, creativity, attention and professionalism. The goal of this contest is for you, and me, to be satisfied and proud of your digital presence.
  • This contest is not binding on the winner. The winner may reserve the right to renounce his/her prize, within a reasonable time and without justification. In the event of a withdrawal, a new draw will be carried out among the rest of the participants in the contest.
  • The planning of the graphic designs of the website and its development will be established between the winner of the site and myself according to a reasonable timetable and following procedures of agreement between parties, validating the move to the next stage of production. Once the final agreement has been reached, the site will be put online based on this agreement. Any minor adaptation of the site following its release online remains possible. However, any major changes to the released website (changes to its structure or its pages, major changes to the textual or visual content, etc.) do not fall within the scope of this contest. I reserve the right to reasonably consider certain adaptations to be outside the scope of this contest and a separate quote may be established to cover the desired changes.
  • Should the maintenance contract not be renewed by the owner of the site at the end of the one-year period offered as part of this contest, I cannot be held responsible for any inconvenience caused by the lack of maintenance (update security or functional modules) outside of this contract. The correction of errors caused outside of a maintenance contract will be invoiced to the customer according to an hourly rate established if applicable.
  • You cannot find the answer to your question? I remain at your entire disposal to respond to it at the following address